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For starters, let me say that the event is still going, it's just that I post it every 2 days.

I'm going to make another poll for the suggestions soon. Since we are already in the later half of the month.

I'm thinking about making an "anime awards" and "game awards", nothing complicated, but should also give you some images from the winners. I'm still developing the idea.

I'm also working on some stuff from my end, to help some of the people here.
Edit: removed the part that I'm talking about some problems. I don't want to cause misunderstandings. Let's keep it rolling.




Always do what's best for you mental health. We will still be here if ya need a couple days to unwind. We understand ❤️


I like your ideas !! Just don’t iver stress your self !!!


that's why i now i just cheer on the 99% of the time. You are already too kind of a person and people exploit that. For a time i did it too (your art makes me too horny and brain gets deprived by oxygen :D ). I still feel bad and I feel sorry. Take care man

Original Gimp

Sorry you’re dealing with some bad social actors. Hopefully most of your supporters show you nothing but love. K looks great as always ❤️


Thanks, I will still be posting and looking at everything people says even if I go afk, because I have to keep an eye on the devils.


To be honest I think that if there is a constructive criticism, it's not so tiresome. I don't take by heart many things that people say. However it's hard to find the perfect balance of what I should be doing with the art. The biggest difference nowadays is that I have to explain more often about the rules.


Thank you. It's actually like that since day 1. But the quantity has changed 😂while I have a lot more lovely supporters I get more of the other type of person too.


Internet have haters and trolls for everything, even here we are not safe, but don't stress yourself, if you give them attention they will keep bothering you, just ignore them and you will see that they will go away, love your work keep going!


Sorry to hear about that koi😞


People are so greedy and disrespectful...that you still have to deal with that is a shame!

Capone A.

Oh yeah totally a such thing as too much social interaction, it's good to take breather every now & then.

Capone A.

Interesting,anime awards & game awards.


Yes, my worse problem is with the people who I actually have to keep watching to not get tricked


It shouldn't be this way, but I guess anyone has that kind of problem to a degree


Yes, that's why sometimes I have to take sometimes before answering anything so I don't get too overwhelmed


It really shouldn't be that way, especially considering how nice you are and how much you already do for people!


Yeah.... dealing with people can be immensely exhausting. Always try to remember to take time for yourself!


You do you man, take all the time you need for your own benefit


Thanks, I always know that it can get worse, but it seems that whenever I'm feeling bad things gets worse -_-