Hey! It's time to pick some suggestions to make a poll.
NOTE: A lot of times people don't read the posts before commenting, if you suggest a character in here it will very likely not be considered. If you didn't suggest anything yet in December's Suggestions Post, you can do it here: LINK (Don't do it twice, read the post, if you do it I might not take your suggestions anymore).
I'm starting from the bottom of the Suggestions' post. As I said I would only pick 1 character, preferably the first from your 2 options. Some few character I skipped because of the usual reasons (done, being done, will be done or can't be done).
It's possible that some characters in this poll don't make to a post even if they get in first place. But I'll see what will be done case by case. It's not a list for only the top character, so vote in the ones you like the most (MULTIPLE VOTE). If you don't wish to see anything from this list then don't vote for it as it may delay other characters.
I'll do more of these yet because there is a lot of suggestions. Patreon only allows maximum of 25 options.