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Now that comms are paused I can start posting my back log lol!

An anonymous commissioner wanted Dean and Lelani to finally meet!

It's no secret Lelani loves testing her abs to their limit and, more importantly. getting friendly with any new sexy fighter she meets. She was tripping over herself to get a workout in with Dean once she saw him.

He found her odd but was more than happy to give her exactly what she wanted, working her for what felt like hours until she noticed the bulge in his pants

Not that one, the one in his pocket-

With his work as a bouncer, Dean usually has to deal out harsh lessons to anyone his boss thinks need it. He doesn't always have to resort to using the pair of brass knuckles he often carries with him, but he keeps them close just in case. The metal work was almost dwarfed compared to the size of the athlete's hand; this was a sight that made most people terrified but Lelani practically purred seeing them, begging him to test them out on her.

She took way more punishment than any one he's fought before, practically moaning with each heavy thump of his fist. When she finally crumpled to the ground, it seemed to be more from overstimulation than the actual pain.

He cradled her head, enjoying the sight of her clutching her bruised belly. The bronzed beauty was breathing heavily while she collected herself but that mischievous smile she wore when first asking him for this soon returned. She absolutely wanted more and he was more than happy to oblige.

*Update! Attached the steamier after math of this to the post. You're gonna have to forgive me but I gave up half way through with the environment after a glitch or two LOL! I think the sexiness makes up for it though 😏



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