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In one the recent posts I asked what behind the scenes topics you would like to see covered and many of you said that you would like to see more of my sketch process. Especially more rough drafts.

So here is a good example of how my preliminary linework looks like. :D

I most often start my sketches with a rough mix of gesture lines and basic shapes to get the main idea down. Once I decided where the body parts are, what is overlapping what and where the limbs are pointing I go into more detail and erase lines of forms that are obscured. I usually work on just one layer to keep things from getting too complicated. Although sometimes I make a safety copy of the lineart layer. That is usually when I try out different proportions or another pose altogether.

I also could not for the life of me remember the name of the character. That is why there is the awkward note referring to her as "Castlevania Dungeon mouse." :S

I am looking forward to drawing more of this character. Her weapon of choice has a lot of potential for fun shenanigans. :D
