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Here is a quick heads up for the camping trip series.
Maisie, Dylan, Lucy and Robyn had a lot of fun but they are slowly preparing for their ride home again. I will do 4 more pieces this week and then wrap up the series. I have had much more shenanigans planned but if I would do pieces of them all the camping trip would take a year! :S
But there is always the chance of a second trip. :>

Next week I will start doing some spoopy Halloween pieces because it is spoopy-month after all! :D



Has been a treat to see them on the trip! Am super siked for the spoopy times!

Cassius Marine

The camping arc comes to an end


It was also a lot of fun to do. :D I am also already looking forward to doing the spoopy pieces. There will be many pumpkins and ghosts. :> .....👻

Lord Nobleheart

You get my 🦭 of approval for this fun slice of life with favorite anthros(Dylan has earned my respect for being a stand up guy for our ladies here.) Looking forward to more group outings in the future.


Plenty of sweets too! Sniff here’s a beeg question, do you like candy corn?


As somebody who loves hiking and camping, this series has been a true delight. Thank you for the sexy fun they've had in the great outdoors and I'm excited for a future trip again!