Update / News! (Patreon)
Hey everyone! So, good news. I have been a bit more productive than I first imagined this week. I'm not pirateaba, but I'm proud that I managed to pump out about 20k words since Thursday.
This means we'll be back to our regularly scheduled posting on Monday with the start of book 4! The book begins with Gwyn and her start of school. So far it's been pretty fun to write! Although, I'm really excited about what's coming with Sloane. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I've also been hard at work on the book 1 edit, and with that, I'd like to extend the offer to one or two people to join the edit's beta readers and have a voice in how it's progressing. I have 14 out of 38 chapters done so far, which includes an all-new Gwyn arc. Moving into an all-new Sloane arc next! It's looking like the book will end at about 130K words, which is a big jump from the current 63K words in chapters 1-25.
As I get closer to completion, I am going to start putting out feelers to get a book cover commissioned to use when book 1 moves to Amazon. I'll let you guys know the timeline for all of that as I figure it out. There's no timeline as of now, and I will toss an epub up for all the patrons once it's done.
The next part of the side story is being worked on tonight/tomorrow. (Have about 1K words done so far.) So I hope to have it out for Artificers tomorrow or Friday at the latest.
Lastly, I'd like to invite all of you guys to discord to chat about the story! I'm always open to talking it up or discussing some of the background stuff.
That's all for now! As always, let me know what you guys are thinking and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!