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Now that is what makes me wanna go to the gym... 👀


Suggested Soundtrack:

Call On Me - Eric Prydz 




I recognize that pink hair. That makes me wanna see some Tammy and Izzy action!


Is that pictures hall of fame-butt?🤤 (and Tammy is working out on left side!)

Quan Nguyen

I want to know more about that trainer! 🤤


Right there's a reason to always be in the back of the class. Also, MFW I recognize almost all of those asses on the wall.

Minas Tirith

Love the pics on the wall. However, I thought Vera and Jen hated each other, why would Jen have gone to Vera's booty building school if she hates her lol? Given that Jen must be so angry that Vera's ass is bigger and better than her own, it's hard to imagine Jen allowing Vera to teach her how to build her ass. Plus I doubt Vera would want to teach Jen how to build her ass given that she doesn't like her at all. In any case, Vera definitely seems to be the most ass focussed character out of all the Herrons, even more-so than Jen, which explains why she would be given the role of having the ultimate ass and being the ass building trainer lol. Izzy knew who to go to for ass building exercise haha. I wonder if any of Vera's students know about her 'special' relationship with her own cousins haha.


That buldge really completes that pose, like Izzy's trainer's ass is better but that buldge with that tight ass is just yum.


Nice booty hall of fame


This is an entirely different universe; it's not an incest comic, so none of that cousin stuff ever happened here.

Minas Tirith

Ah ok, I was still a bit confused about if the canon is SQS was part of the CMS universe. So does this mean that Vera trained Jen to build her butt in this universe lol? It's weird to imagine Jen being trained in anything to do with her ass by Vera haha.




Wait!!! Isn’t Izzy a guy??? I totally forgot he’s conceal caring 😳😂

Minas Tirith

Is the version of Vera in the SQS universe the canon version or is it a situation where all the alternate versions, such as the CMS version, are equally valid? Is there a canon version of Vera or are there just any number of alternate versions that essentially render the SQS version as one of many alternate versions with no official canon version?

Taylor R

wait, is Izzy asleep? The sub sign says "Wake up!"


I looked back at the previous pages, and you might be on to something. Page 1: a poster of sleipnir from Norse mythology, but spelled SLEEP-nir Page 2: the bottles spell out wake up Page 3: The coffee mug not only says Apollo 18, a mission that did not happen, but also has Izzy's and Fanny's last names on it, Price and Block Page 4: Not only does the caulk board say "the clock is ticking" but there is a picture of The Sandman underneath, the literal personification of dream Page 5: Like you said, the sign saying "W-A-K-E UP!" but maybe also Vera saying "You can't lay around doing nothing forever!" I feel like I discovered a conspiracy.

Kawaii Ray

come for the booty and bimbo boobs , stay for the stringing of conspiracies and theories board.


While we're discussing theories, I have one on why the pictures of butts on the wall all look exactly the same. It's not because drawing is a difficult and time consuming process, and the artist copied and pasted the same image so they would not have to draw the same exact same thing over and over. No, it's because Vera's workout regiment is so effective, so precise, that it guarantees that anyone who does it will get the perfect bubble butt. The fact that they are all the same is just proof that Vera is a master of her craft.

Sascha Schiffer

Every picture with Tammy is a great picture, even if she is only in the Background 😄👍


I wanna see Izzy in some cute, girly lingerie. She’s a feminine “girly” girl. Let’s lean in to that.


Top tier booty on the wall