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So I’ve had my third panic attack this week. I’m dealing with lots of stress and anxiety due to personal reasons and it’s obviously impacting my work, and I wanted to let you know that there might be some delays in the release of comic pages and illustrations this week. I’m doing my best to keep up the pace and continue creating, but it’s been a bit tougher lately given the circumstances. I’ll get back on track as soon as possible, just be aware that some posts may suffer a slight delay from their usual schedule.

Thanks for your patience.





NSO Terroface

Even if you say you take a month off to relax and take vacation i belive nobody would be angry. Take your time to relax and take care of yourself

Serena DFon

Take care of yourself. Without you in good health, the wonderful world building and character development won't exist. ♥️♥️♥️


If you have to cut down the number of pages you release each week do it. Get yourself right, then worry about work 💋


all good , take care of your self first

Sascha Schiffer

Take care, take your time. Your health is more important than a time schedule. I think we all support you on that. Please don't rush yourself. ❤👍


Health comes before porn! Take care of yourself please! Much love and hugs from this random internet stranger.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. Take care of yourself and don’t worry about us. Whatever you need to do to feel better, do that.


Adding to the chorus here. You need to do whatever is necessary for your health. We'll still be here.

Earl Johnson

Do what's best for you?


Take care of yourself, don’t push it


Your health is the most important, especially take care of yourself.


Oh gosh.... What the hell is going on...? I hope you take care of your health and come back.


If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of us. Take the time you need.


Totally understandable, take all the time you need to look after yourself!


Huge fan, never messaged before. From the looks of it everyone is saying what I'm thinking, take some time for you, don't worry us or the comic.


Take your time


It’s ok take as much time as you need. We pay your bills but you need to take time for physical & mental health


Your output has always been great. If you need a little time, you've earned it. Also, I can tell you from experience .5mg of aprazolam at onset of symptoms will stop a panic attack in its tracks.

Uncle Salty

Take care of yourself dude.

Kawaii Ray

Get some rest, take a vacation even. We love your work, but want you to take care of yourself even more. We love yah and just want you happy and healthy. If you ever need anything, we're happy to help you in any way possible.


Hope you feel better, friend.


Your content output is already extremely high, no one can blame you for wanting to slow down for a bit. Mental health should come first.

Alex Woll

Take all the time you need


Take care of you! We'll be here.


You overdeliver so don’t worry about upsetting your subscribers. Thank you for communicating

Jef Vinson

Take it easy. We appreciate everything you do.


you first, the rest later. panic attacks are no joy!

David Wilhelm

Eager to see how the various stories play out, but that won't happen if you don't look after yourself. Take what time you need.


Agreed with the rest of the comments. Take a break. We will all be here when you are heathy and happy!

Mike v

We all can be patience 😊

Aiden Fox

Don't worry about us, you take all the time and care you need for you 💕


Your content is already one of the most stellar around Patreon from my experience. Take a bit of a break if need be to get your health back in order. We're behind you, mate.


Sending love ❤️ ~


Get better first. We will be here for you when you're rested and ready!

Tezla Coyle (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-28 23:19:26 Sending lots of love and cuddles. Feel better dude <3
2023-08-28 20:13:35 Sending lots of love and cuddles. Feel better dude <3

Sending lots of love and cuddles. Feel better dude <3

Ryan Coppola

Take care of yourself… we’re here to support your art because we love your imagination and creativity. This world is going crazy and we’re all feeling it in different ways. Ignore any negativity and feed your soul.


Take some time to take care of yourself. Your by far the busiest Patreon creator I follow. I’m lucky to get a picture a month with the other two I follow and your over here with a pic or two a week. You’ve absolutely never disappointed.