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Hey, Patrons!

I hope you're doing well. First off, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and supporting my work. You all mean everything to me.

I need to open up about something that (as you all know) I've been dealing with lately: anxiety and panic attacks. I'm sharing this not as an excuse but to raise awareness about mental health struggles we all face.

Anxiety is like an unpredictable storm that can wash over you at any time, even when everything seems fine on the surface. It's not just feeling a little nervous or stressed; it's a relentless and overwhelming force that can make even the simplest tasks seem insurmountable.

Over the past week, I had to deal with an especially challenging bout of anxiety that led to several panic attacks. It was debilitating, and it affected my ability to work on the content you all love. This made it impossible for me to create new content last week. I'm really sorry for not meeting my commitment. Your patience and understanding mean more to me than you can imagine.

I promise to keep creating for you, and I'm working on managing my anxiety better. Your support keeps me going, and I'm determined to use this experience to grow.

Remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes. Reach out if you're struggling, whether to a friend, family member, or a professional. You're never alone.

Thank you for understanding and again, thanks for your support.

You guys are the best community ever.




Gregory M



Anxiety and panic attacks are certainly no joke, doubly so for the person experiencing them. I hope you’re able to get the breathing room you need and get out from under that yoke. Truly, best of luck!


"A man can be desotryed but not defeated." - Earnest Hemingway 👍

James Spink

Take all the time you need when you need it. I completely understand how crippling anxiety can be. You got this!

Stephen edwards

All my prayers, I love your work, both the art and characters are great! Take care of yourself and hopefully you find that thing/person or place that can assist you in overcoming this affliction.


I'm relieved that you're healthy whatever now. Good luck!🙏


Please take all the rest you need! And take care of yourself!


Please do take the very best care of yourself. Rest and self-care are really important. You are enough just as you are

Sascha Schiffer

Dear CMS, thank you for letting us know. You have my full respect and understanding, because i myself suffer from depression and anxiety. It is hard but if you tell people and get help, it will be better. You can live a normal life. I know some days will always be hard, but ther will also be always a person who helps. You don't have to lift everything by yourself. I wish you all the best and most important step was the first one and you did it. Be proud of yourself, you will do it. ❤👍


*NUCLEAR HUG DETECTED* In all seriousness, please do not over do it for yourself. There are a number of people who love your work and the ideas you come up with. With that in mind, we also do not want you to sacrifice yourself on a pyre for our degenerative lust. To yourself and everyone else that works with and/or for you, be well and be happy.


Randy Feltface would like a word as to why you're invoking THAT name in a porn channel.


Your take whatever time you need for yourself!🙌


I've googled to find out who Randy Feltface is and I still don't know exactly, but there seems to be a good reason😆


CMS take of yourself! Focus on you! We'll be here for you no matter how much time you take ! Anything you need!


Anxiety is the struggle of our age. I don't know anyone who hasn't been hit with a panic attack at some point. We're all in it together. I've been a member for over 3 years now and you have consistently delivered great material week after week. You've earned some time to breathe without worrying you will lose members.


Like Peter I have been around a while. 3'ish years. You have delivered amazing content consistently the entire time. I am not going to stop supporting you just because you need to work on your mental health. I can't say I have struggled with anxiety myself but there are a few people I know that have/do. Thier descriptions, much like yours, sound debilitating. I don't want that for anyone. So, do what you need to do. I will be here the entire time. Grateful that I can support an artist and creator that provides me with so much joy.


Is it bad I’m thinking of a lewd version of this like she’s going balls deep on a BJ And Amber’s like just Breathe

Ro To



I deal with bad bouts anxiety and panic attacks in a somewhat regular basis, so just do whatever it takes to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. This shit is debilitating as you well know. I hope you can find some retrieve soon, not for the sake of content production but so you can fucking breathe normally again.


It's all good. Your mental/physical health comes first.




No apologies needed, your health is your number one concern. I and I am sure others are not in a hurry here, take the time you need. Being creative happens in its own time, not us fan's time.

Kawaii Ray

We got your back, stay good and take care of yourself 1st.


Something that might be helpful to remember is, due to the relatively short time technology and society has existed during human history, we have not really adjusted to dealing with the stress of the modern world. Instead of the large but short periods of stress from things like avoiding predators, we are instead experiencing small but constant forms of stress from unseen, abstract things. So basically, your body is dealing with everything like it would a saber tooth tiger attack, because that is the only way it knows how.

Kawaii Ray

and to add. Chloe is just looking so cute in this post, I want to just hug her and tell her everything will be fine. For once, no horny just pure nurture.

Aiden Fox

Thank you for sharing. I have two friends that deal with anxiety and have panic attacks and I understand a little bit of what it can be like. Love and hugs! 🧸💕


You do what you need to do. My wife suffers from anxiety, and know it can be tough.