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King of the Damned - Full Version.mp4

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I believe a big part of why Dean didn't want Sam there is because he doesn't fully trust himself with the blade either. If you recall in Blade Runners when he first used it, he was glaring at Crowley until Sam stopped him by barely breaking through verbally and that was the first use. There is no 'sharing' this power/blade and it's not something Sam can really stop alone without Dean going through him now. Definitely think this episode is overstuffed though, I wish we could have had a little more room to breath on both the heaven/hell wars instead of the fillers that reek (obviously Bloodlines stunk, but many others as well).


i just wanted to add that buckleming wrote 9x03 i'm no angel, the episode that retconned reapers to being a faction of angels, one of their many retcons