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Arthur's Bane: Part Two - Full Version.mp4

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Great reaction! I loved how shocked you were about Mordred stabbing Morgana. This was a good opening two parter! Better than I remembered. Merlin, Arthur, Gwen and all the rest all feel very grown up now. It feels like a very long time since season one. Aithusa does look sickly for a reason not yet explained! I *love* the actor who plays Mordred. He plays it exactly right, you really don’t know what to think of him, he’s so mysterious! The “love that binds us is greater than the power we yield” is a great line from him at the end there, pretty poetic! Really looking forward to watching the rest of season five with you, can’t wait to hear your thoughts.


Seconding the appreciation for how Alexander Vlahos portrays Mordred. He's so good in the role. Next to Morgana, who let's face it is a very dramatic character, I love the contrast of his subtler, more mysterious character. There are a bunch of moments where his facial expression and the way he looks at things are so interesting to me, because there's definitely Something there but we can't tell what he's thinking.