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S1-2 Bloopers + Comic Con.mp4

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Samantha Finerty

You mentioned briefly in the video that you would like to watch Agent Carter at some point but don't know where/when. It is on Disney+, and I highly recommend watching it before season 7 of Agents of SHIELD.


Seconding Samantha's comment about when to watch Agent Carter. It wouldn't even need to be both seasons if that's too much work (though I like both of them), the first one is what's most relevant since it establishes the universe. Like you won't be completely lost if you don't watch the show, but it provides context that makes certain aspects more impactful.

Ian Fleming

I certainly agree that Shelley should get around to watching Agent Carter at some point. Both AoS and AC are very much sibling shows and there is a fair bit of cross-pollination between the two - with AoS making references to events and characters from AC and AC doing its bit to return the favour. Plus, AC is a cool show.