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I’ve gotten some very kind messages over the last few days. And I want everyone to know they’re appreciated, even if I haven’t had the energy to respond. In the wake of the 2024 presidential election, people have been asking if I’m doing okay. And the answer is sure. I’m doing okay. Ish. I’m Black and I’m gay and I live in conservative-controlled, wildly mismanaged Florida, and all that has afforded me a sort of….realism, when it comes to politics. I’m disappointed with the results, but not at all surprised.

I am angry, though. And I’m tired. Very tired to continually vote to improve everybody’s lives just a little- and have it shouted down by folk so fixated on seeing the right people get hurt that they don’t care that they themselves have stepped into the crosshairs. Trees voting for the axe. I’m tired.

I haven’t really been in the mood for speculating on what went wrong, or trying to come up with feel-good platitudes. The fact is, life is about to get exponentially worse for many, many people. All Americans will be impacted, no matter their age or income level or location. Go read up on Project 2025, don’t let yourself be caught off guard. Of course, it won’t come as a quick lightning bolt that instantly snatches away everyone’s civil rights. The changes will be slow and careful. But they’re coming. Brace yourself.

All this said, please, please don’t give up hope. You can be upset, you can be afraid. But never, never lose hope. People have suffered throughout history, and they have still managed to live lives full of meaning. They still fought for a better world. Keep living. Keep fighting. Get involved in local politics. Form communities. Maintain your friendships, make new ones. Hold your loved ones close, tell them that you love them. Leave nothing unsaid. Treasure every day. Make art. We fight back when we create. We fight back when we tell our stories. We fight back when we love. We fight back when we live. Existence is resistance.

I’m not going anywhere, dear patrons. I had a cry, then I dusted myself off. And now, the show must go on~




This was my first time voting in a presidential election. It felt good voicing my opinion through my candidate, but at the same time, waking up the next morning to see the result was crushing as it felt like I failed in some way. Of course, there was nothing that I or any of my peers could've done, but that fact makes it all the scarier that my life can be drastically altered by someone I didn't choose. I keep thinking of that line from the 2015 Cinderella remake: "Have courage and be kind." It's going to be scary going forward, but the most I or anyone can do is try and live our best lives in spite of it and try to make things better for ourselves and others in any way possible. Live your best lives and take care of those in need, nothing makes the republicans angrier than that.


I haven’t commented in a few days, but I did see this post when it popped up. I live in a swing state and the aftermath definitely left me feeling drained and discouraged- your words are a much needed reminder. I hope you’re doing alright, Lop. There are so many people still in your corner ❤️