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We salute you! >:O

Neith- “They Say I’m Different” Betty Davis (Funk Rock)

Balthazar Baast- “I Don’t Wanna Stop” Ozzy Osborne (Heavy Metal)

Tried to pick a single song each to sum up Neith and Balthazar’s respective musical styles and general vibes. Or maybe I just want y’all to listen to more rock & roll, idk (seriously pls give Betty Davis a listen, her style is so funky and sexual and I love it for Neith). Alternate song choices:

Neith- “Are You Gonna Go My Way?” Lenny Kravitz (Hard Rock/Funk Rock)

Balthazar Baast- “Holy Diver” Dio (Heavy Metal)

random fun facts about these two

-“Neith” is Neith’s stage name and stud name. Very few get close enough to learn her real name, Samia~

-Despite his satanic stage presence, Balthazar is a pretty nice guy. He’s also happily married! To a tiny, sweet old ewe lady who loves saltlick hard candy, knitting hoof mittens, and absolutely SHREDDING on the electric guitar

-I noticed some confusion on my last Bal post- Bal is a trans man. He has breasts because he has never felt a desire to receive any gender affirmation surgery. He did however feel the need to get fang dental implants and a forked tongue mod. Bal is almost always wearing contacts- either slit pupil cat’s eyes, or ghostly pure-white eyes when he’s performing on stage. Off-stage, he wears tiny old man glasses.

-Neith is a trans woman (and stud lesbian), and similarly to her fellow celeb and good friend Bal, has always been quite content in her body. She and Bal are both at least 60 in present day Fuzzbutts, but Neith seems to be almost resistant to aging. She keeps fit and eats well and dyes her mane- but her age shows somewhat whenever anybody’s brave enough to get her shades off. Decades of her trademark big loud laugh have given her crow’s feet for days!

-Despite having wildly different sounds, Neith and Bal have been friends throughout their entire careers, consistently providing safety and support for one another, especially when they were both young and first starting out in their very unforgiving industry. They’ve been known to collab on music productions, they both can’t stay out of skin-tight leather no matter how old they get, and they’re both quite good with kids.

-Neith enjoys fucking with people and views wrestling/mauling as a love language. Bal is less keen on this the older he gets.



Caleb White

Curse you Lop, I just got I Don’t Wanna Stop out of my head and it’s wormed it’s way back into my brain 😭😂 Love these two so much


Oooohhhh they look wonderful! Now I want to see them just chilling at each other's house (and maybe a glimpse of the shredding ewe) ;)




Wow these two really look like iconic old music legends, the vides of "big names that bring respect" and "old but still strong". And can I mention that I love how you draw old people (animals?)? Really they look so good, like we age but that doesn't mean we stop for living you know.


Lop, it is now your duty to expose a new generation to actual good music: Ozzy/Bal for life!

Nette Marie

I have a need to see Bal's wife now. I'd imagine she'd either guilt Neith into wearing sweaters she makes and when Bal laughs at her his wife forces both of them into the ugliest sweaters she's made. Like she's very aware they are ugly, she did that on purpose, she just loves guilting her husband and Neith into wearing the stuff she makes. I'd also imagine she's super tiny any everyone always underestimates her. But like how she originally got Bal to think "Holy Fuck she's hot" is when she forced another person three times her size to their knees or did something similar.

Corinne Stephenson

*shakes fist* Give us shadesless Neith, you coward!


Eleanor is going to meet back up with Neith someday and ask if she remembers her and their "silly little stage kiss", to which Neith will pull up her shades to get a closer look, and those pretty unobstructed brown eyes will shoot an arrow straight through Ellie's poor old bisexual heart


I am literally so obsessed with their designs


How would that meeting happen, exactly? :0 Does Topher manage to help her get backstage at a concert or something?


A bit into the future Topher will play in a battle of the bands and meet Bal, who is a judge. They quickly click, particularly as Topher is at the point where he's about ready to admit he wants to have a kid with Mal, though the thought still makes him anxious- and Bal is very open and comforting in that regard, Bal has at least 5 kids and gave birth to 2 of them. Anyway, Topher befriends Bal, and when Eleanor learns of this she also wants to meet Balthazar, partly to keep up with her son's friends, partly to assure herself that Bal is not the satanic blood-guzzling maniac she always thought he was. Lucky for her, that's just his stage persona, Bal is a very friendly and treats Ellie and her son like he's known them for years. And when he learns Eleanor is a big dorky Neith fan, he goes "Ah, would you like to meet her?" and casually calls her over to join them for tea. And Eleanor DIES

Syd D.



*reaches for them star struck* I wanna rock 🤩


Also, you mentioned Neith is her stud name :0 may I ask what exactly that means? Are stud names common irl? I know that "stud lesbian" as a term is a part of Black queer culture but I unfortunately don't know too much beyond that


A stud name is a name a black stud lesbian may use to refer to herself. As studs tend to be masculine (similarly to butches, though butch and stud are not quite synonymous), stud names tend to be masculine, or gender neutral. As I understand it, this is because when you're a big tough stud hitting on a pretty femme, you may or may not want to introduce yourself with a more fitting name than Tiffany or Georgina (no shade to girly names, of course). Please keep in mind that I absolutely do not speak for stud lesbians everywhere! Not all studs use a stud name, and not all studs are masc. Neith is, though. Her real name, Samia (pronounced Sa-My-yah) is only given out to people she trusts and especially likes.


I see! Ty for answering! I have learned more about queer culture today :>


Quietly starts petition to get Aaaallllllllll the details from this meeting....


Is there an expy of Zee floating around in the fuzzbutts music industry? I always loved Zee in pandoraverse ! She was one of my favorites I loved that she was a mule


https://www.patreon.com/posts/59885743?utm_campaign=postshare_fan Shes only been shown once, but she does exist!


HOLY DIVER RAAAAAAH........ I really like Holy Diver, Balthazar is cool in my books, also never heard of Betty Davis before and I'm now mad about that fact

Morghann Patterson

Cannot WAIT to see the inevitable Neith and Eleanor sketch sheet. How do you think Honey would take to her?

Caleb White

I’m now imagining a very preggo Bal just rocking the fuck out and I don’t know what to do with this mental image