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Peebles and Jammie being themselves

both have a "whatever i feel like today" approach to their gender, pronouns, outfits, juggling of flammable objects, etc. When asked about the specifics of their fluidity I imagine they have tons of jokes, "Mom said it's my turn on the gender!"




This makes me INDESCRIBABLY happy <3


https://i.redd.it/ku7kavnx4pp51.jpg also I would die for them both


I love this! I'd love it if this were "the norm", ya know? Like I wanna rock whatever outfit I feel without it being a big deal or being nervous. Being "not the norm" can kinda be fun, but also tough at times! Love these two cuties 💕


Peebles in that dress with the pretty blue boba-Hnng you’re checking all my boxes


This is wonderful! They both look so adorable and happy!


Our babies!!! Look at um!!! I love our dumb gay babus!! Also macho Jam gets Artemis even more obviously flustered then usual the damn lust-struck idiot. Irie maaay be tempted to take her cousin aside at this point and have "the talk" (to their COMPLETE indignation. THEY are not a CHILD and also remember YOU are younger!), because it's honestly just painful to watch Artemis flounder with you know, being horny for the first time and maybe she also just wants to make sure they're prepared if something did happen with that delicious little trouble maker of theirs


Also not to be dramatic but Peebs is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and Jam WILL steal your bitch. Cupcake loves these dolts with her whole heart


Yiiiiissssss Since I'm in a holiday mood, I've been thinking of a scenario where Artemis spots Jam picking up a brown paper wrapped package from a shady dealer in an alley. Immediately Arte is on the scent.What could it be? Illegal magic contraband? Drugs? Smuggled exotic animals? Artemis yells at Jam to HALT right where she is, and Jam takes one look at that self-righteous feathery bullet train heading for her and fucking books it. Cue a lengthy and protracted chase scene that may or may not involve a sword fight, train hopping, and the wearing of unconvincing fake mustaches. FINALLY Jam gives Artie the slip, gripping the package, huffing and puffing as she too-cheerily greets her baffled family- And not a moment later, Artemis BURSTS through the door to the Pie home. Finally. They've hunted down the criminal that's been evading them all this time. Paying no mind to the Pie's flabbergasted and concerned questions, Artemis stomps over to Jam, snatches the contraband with a well-deserved smirk, and tears open the paper to reveal- A teddy bear. Jam had brought PB's old worn childhood teddy to a specialist to be lovingly restored. It falls out of the box with a squeak, to everyone's confused silence, except for PB, who lets out a touched "Oh." Jam, however, fixes Arte with a sour look, "Wow, way to ruin the surprise, Scrooge." Aaaaaand Artemis is now flustered and trying to stammer out an explanation, trying to explain that their daughter is a CRIMINAL MASTERMIND, but of course Jammie plays innocent and even starts up some crocodile tears, which immediately activates Cupcake's big sis instinct. Artemis is grabbed by the ear and informed that their royal highness will be making up for the demolished door by helping bake and wrap and helping the family finish setting up for Hearth's Warming. .....It's really not so terrible a punishment, Artie thinks, several hours later, covered in frosting and tinsel and wearing a horrible holiday sweater Jam produced from somewhere cursed. The Pies are warm and friendly, if too prone to randomly bursting into song, it's fascinatingly novel to make gingerbread cookies, and it's altogether a much cozier and intimate holiday experience than anything they'd experienced at Canterlot castle, especially when Jam takes pity on Artie's clumsy dishwashing and slides in to help, with a fond little hip bump and smirk that makes Artemis turn red. And if PB secretly planted a lil mistletoe in the doorway before it was time for Arte to leave, welp, that's nobody's business but Artie and Jam's......and Missus Cake, who happened to see Artie trip into the snow in their haste to make a dignified getaway


I WASNT PREPARED!!!! Holiday-esche ArteJam? Pie-family with awkward ass hier-to-the-night? Fuck that Hallmark drivel. This is the feel good holiday movie I want to see!!!!