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midnight would lose serious goth cred if it ever got out that funshine bear is still her absolute goddamn favorite thing and never fails to make her smile

(she swears she only enjoys pb's present ironically, honest)




Don't worry, Midnight, your secret is safe with me.


I feel so validated I love the implication that PB knows her well enough to know she would still (even secretly) enjoy something like this. Sure, he went to Midnight's parents for the initial gift idea, but I doubt he would have just blindly taken their advice. If Starlight and Sunset had remembered the sparkly lip gloss that they got Midnight when she was five and didn't *absolutely* hate at the time, and suggested that, I imagine PB might have said 'Sure!' to their faces but searched new avenues of gift giving. I love the implied dynamic between PB and Midnight that they can each be themselves with each other (even if it's usually kept behind doors) without fear of judgement. Not only can Midnight be weird and witchy and PB finds it cool, but she knows she can occasionally smile at things not usually considered in-character for her, and it'll only delight PB, who of course doesn't need to be told twice to keep a secret. PB can, in turn, occasionally let down his constantly-peppy facade around Midnight if he's ever having a bad day or week, and just spend time in silence without her fussing over him, which is sometimes sorely needed. TL;DR: this gives me life, waters my crops and clears my face. bless you lop


Ayyy you’re right on the money about their relationship. One of the things that got Midnight liking PB in the first place was the first time he had to drop the cheery facade when he was struggling with the dreaded depression-anxiety combo. One of those days where you’re fighting off tears all day, and you feel stupid and ashamed over being such a mess over nothing. Seeing PB break down was shocking, but oddly...it helped him feel more “real” to Midnight. Although she didn’t like seeing him sad, she was happy to be able to be there for him and help him feel a bit better. PB feels a lot of pressure to be fun and goofy and “on” all the time, so it feels like breath of fresh air to be around Midnight. He can be quiet and reflective around her, or even moody, with no expectation to box the feelings up before they make someone uncomfortable. Not that Midnight is his therapist, it just feels nice to have someone he can be genuine around, especially coming from a family that treated a frown as a capital offense. In turn PB has worked on being a better friend to Midnight, someone that listens to her feelings rather than blindly tries to solve her problems.


This is so cute and wholesome aaaaaa ;-; It warms my heart


Your art and worldbuilding are sooo nice.