All Your Fault (Patreon)
someone said these two would make cute babies so i drew this scribble
Pharynx and Blueblood are both well into middle age (Blueblood's in his fifties), and neither want more children. Pharynx considers raising Ocellus to be enough parenthood for a lifetime, and Blueblood has a lot of pent-up angst/frustration over having watched Vogue grow up from the sidelines. Additionally, changelings cannot reproduce without true love to trigger an egg cycle, and these two......have a ways to go get to being in "true love". Lots of hurdles for these two having more kids.....but I'm the writer and I can do want I want haha
Were Pharynx to spontaneously produce offspring with Blueblood, this would be a big, big, BIG scandal in Canterlot. For one, Blueblood comes from a long line of pure-blooded unicorns, and now he has "tainted" his noble family lineage with monstrous insect riffraff. Additionally, these grubs were born out of wedlock, a huge no-no among nobles, who place immense importance on clean, well-documented family trees. For a noble- especially a royal like Blueblood- to sire a child out of marriage, would be considered scandalous and low-class. Thirdly, Canterlot nobility still has a pretty stubborn undercurrent of xenophobia and homophobia, so children born to a mixed-race queer couple are gonna have a rough time among snooty rich unicorns. Also, the babies drool acid and eat everything they can fit in their mouth....BB's gonna have trouble keeping a nanny on board.
I imagine Pharynx is saying something like "If you thought changelings were good at draining love, you should see how we handle getting our child support checks."
this is all very not canon but i named the one on Blueblood's head Jewel