Improving My Patreon (Patreon)
Howdy all! Looking at my patreon reward tiers, it’s clear things are outdated, and that my patreon has become a pledge-whatever-you-want situation where all patrons get access to all content, no matter their pledge. I’m realizing now that this is sloppy and unstructured, and doesn’t properly reward the folks that pledge higher amounts. I abandoned the monthly rewards with no explanation and I sincerely apologize for that. I suppose I became overwhelmed, but that’s no excuse. So! Moving forward, how can I better improve my patreon? My goal is to provide y’all with consistent patreon rewards that I can realistically provide without stressing myself into an anxiety ball. What would you all like to get out of my patreon?
I’ll get the ball rolling by spitballing some ideas for potential monthly tier rewards:
-Monthly Sketch Q&A: You all ask about the pandoraverse with questions ranging from silly to serious, and I draw the answer. A bit like the MLP tumblr askblogs of the early 2010s.
-Monthly Drawing Tutorials: Y’all request subjects you’d like me to do tutorials on. Eg. Pony poses, wing anatomy, hair, hooves, etc
-Nextgen Critique? My idea is that you could submit Nextgen designs/character designs that are stumping you/you’re just not satisfied with, and I could give feedback on design, color palette, personality, etc. I hope this doesn’t sound mean, or like Im trying to dictate how people should design nextgen, but I do get a lot of people asking for feedback on their designs, so I thought I could make it a patreon reward.
I‘d love to hear your suggestions!