Patchjob (Patreon)
Montezuma may be a master thief, but sometimes he does get in over his head, especially as he has enemies other than Smokescreen. And in these instances, what can ya do but crawl into your nemesis-sort of-bf's apartment window and bleed all over his bedsheets cuz lord knows u can't go to a legitimate hospital
Smoky is 1.) grumpy at being woken up and 2.) most definitely gonna smack Monty upside the head for being so reckless/watch over Monte while he sleeps in a creepy unblinking lizardy kinda way. Definitely gonna brood lots over the very unwelcome urge to hold his idiot nemesis' hand or brush his sweaty hair out of his face, goddamnit
Montezuma is muttering an impressive cavalcade of cursewords in several languages and possibly maybe wishing his parents were here. Lollipop is a good gorl and happy to help Papa out. Phoenix is wondering who the fuck is in her apartment at 4am.
(On a less gore-y note, in return for Smoky's good deed, Montezuma made fun of his pajamas forever and now often calls him Candypants. Or, when he's feeling like less of a dick, "Sweets".)