What is a God to a King (Saucy Art Warning) (Patreon)
this is a smidge racier than my typical stuff so i'm tucking it under a cut
exploring more of twi and discord's relationship dynamic. Their personalities are intensely opposed in many areas, but in their private lives they are shockingly compatible
Discord likes: domination, being put in his place, exhibitionism, handsome evil unicorn kings
Twilight likes: control, putting would-be foes in their place, reforming villains (sometimes through unconventional means).....and handsome evil unicorn kings
so some time after the events of the show, when Discord's poorly-thought-out Grogar plan leaves the question of what to do with newly resurrected Sombra, Twilight recruits Discord to teach Sombra a lesson in friendship, sharing, and getting along. It didn't work in the slightest, but great fun was had by all!