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scribble before bed

some dweebs goin on a date

Perry is a pretty flirty, silly lil dude, so I imagine he naturally starts flirting with Tibbs the more their friendship grows. It's purely ironic, just two pals havin a good time. Tibbs finds himself mirroring the behavior, to Perry's absolute delight. it's kinda like that one meme:

Principal, craning to sneak a peek at Perry's phone: why does mister thibodeaux call you baby girl

Perry, turning beet red: it's iRoNIC

but in the end, perry and tibbs just end up playing themselves. For Tibbs, the "just kidding" aspect of their relationship explodes the first time Perry calls him sugar with full sincerity, and for Perry, his crush kicks into high gear the second he learns Tibbs owns a vintage motorcycle. The bike's name is Jolene, she is beautiful, and Perry very much wants to ride that hog (take that however you will). Perry and Tibbs don't flail around their feelings like idiots, though, the matter is resolved in one conversation

Perry: hey so we spend like 90% of our free time together....i like you, and i'm relatively confident you like me, so would you maybe wanna......date, sometime?

Tibbs: .....oh. were we not already dating

Perry: what NO-! i mean......shit. yeah. i guess we have been all along. huh




Jolene's gonna be the best motorcycle at their wedding


Arghhh I hate That Guy who keeps asking questions but in an earlier comment thread, Tibbs and Perry adopting children was brought up briefly. I've been thinking about asking for a bit but now seems appropriate so, is this a nextgen themed project or do you plan on having it go a different narrative direction?


Please don’t be uncomfortable asking questions. Answering them helps me patch problems and flesh out the setting and characters. :) As for whether this will be a nextgen story? Almost certainly not. Fuzzbutts is a story largely about a bunch of dumb millennials stumbling their way through life....so it’s more like a sitcom, where the cast all stay the same age. I don’t really plan on like, exploring years down the line, when X and Y are getting married and having a baby, I got enough of that with the pandoraverse. FB will be more slice-of-life focused. Tibbs and Perry are a unique case however, they’re older than the main cast and have already been married for years by the start of FB, so it wouldn’t be too out there to see them adopting a kid. Still, I’d prefer to focus on other characters and worldbuilding before I start throwing kids into the mix.


AWESOME that's what I was hoping for. I love nextgens and have a few verses myself, and enjoy yours obv, but I loveee me some original slice-of-life content. I love fluffy animal babies as much as the next guy but worldbuilding?? I eat worldbuilding bruh I need it for survival. Love your stuff lop, you keep my adhd brain alive lmaoooo.


Thank you, that means a lot. <) And yeah.....not gonna go the babies n' shipping route I went with the Pandoraverse. Ultimately I'm to blame for how messy Pverse is, but I was also trying to keep up with my audience's never-ending thirst for ships and nextgens. Like, the second I'd so much as hint that one character had a crush on another, I'd be inundated with requests to see the wedding/their future together/their child(ren). And I'm not complaining! But I think it all got away from me in the end, to the point where characters were not so much CHARACTERS so much as ship fodder. I spent this year and last working to flesh out the characters and stories beyond shallow ships.....I'm determined not to make the same mistakes with FB. Tibbs and Perry wouldn't adopt a kid just cuz that's cute, it would happen because I specifically want to show what it's like for a pred/prey couple to adopt a child (hint: it ain't easy). But I'm getting ahead of myself. Will they? Won't they? Who knows. (Funnily enough, I already see people asking for Fuzzbutts nextgens....and even designing them themselves! Ha, the more things change, the more they stay the same~)


Yesyesyes I know exactly how you feel. I've had my nextgen verse for about 4 years now, though it's not MLP I absolutely know what you mean. I found myself making NEW characters for shipping fodder to make more babies, and it felt like I was really cheapening the story almost, and doing the characters I made fresh almost a....disservice. They were one-note, or worse, they were blank slates I did a little doodle for to feed to my non-artist writing partner. We ended up naming our verse the "Clusterverse" for a reason LMAO, it's short for clusterfuck, so to say I get it is an understatement. EDIT: hit enter too early I do have one suggestion though, and that's to maaaybe focus more on platonic relationships. As an aro person, seeing so much media focused on romantic and sexual relationships can get a bit exhausting. I don't dislike it per se, but a real fleshed out life is so much more than just your partners. I've noticed you working on non-romantic relationships more in FB and it's made me feel much more comfortable delving right into and engaging with it. If you ever wanted to work on aro or ace representation I'd be glad to talk to you about it btw!! Love talkin about queer stuff :P