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“That man is practically begging for a pegging, Biscuit!”

some silliness while I fiddle with a new brush in procreate. I dig the way it makes doodles look like those old Living Books cd-rom adventure games~

To any of y’all wondering if this means Carmen pegged Angel, the answer is yes indeedy doodle. Angel would definitely recommend it to Bud, two thumbs up




Oooohhhh!! Does Angel actually say this to Bud? Does he have a similar expression?


Ha, Bud strikes me as a very dowdy, wholesome, almost sexless individual, so a convo between him and Angel would end with Angel frustrated over a middle-aged dog that thinks cunnilingus is some kinda fancy Spanish dish and that “topping” refers to pizza, or Biscuit topping off his brewskis during Monday night football


Lol! I love that! Bud kinda sounds like he's either an ace who doesn't know he's ace, or really, really dumb.


Oh no honey as a member of the ace community I promise you we’re all idiots


K but that BiscuitBuddy kiss is just 🥹❤️❤️ We all need that one experienced gal pal to give us a crash course in level 5 sex ed. Count your blessings, Biscuit. Carmen is about to show you a whole new world


Lolololol! I'm ace too. I suppose I should have added "or both". ;)


I meant he's more "woefully repressed" than genuinely asexual. A Hank Hill type, if you will. Ace rep is important, buuuut I don't think it's a good look for me if I have Biscuit be dissatisfied in her marriage because her husband is ace. Bud has a sex drive, he's just not very skilled or creative in bed, and this is made worse by his general obliviousness to his wife's emotional needs. FB does have ace characters that I will explore eventually (who are not gently problematic baby boomer dog dads).