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Happy Pride Month! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜😃 Submit your pride month requests! Can be anything you like, as specific as you like. For example, "what is X character's sexuality/gender identity?" "How did their first kiss go?", "How did they know they were queer?", "How do they celebrate Pride?", "Is their family supportive? Do they have a found family?" etc, etc. I trust y'all to come up with fun and creative prompts. ;3 Submit away!



Ya know it might be a stretch but I see and and I'm curious. Does Canterlot/MLP have its own pride parade? And if so how does it's ruler Princess Celestia show hers with her wife Chrysalis?


sorry I only just now thought of this, but it'd be awesome to see the mini comic for Prisc and Gigi! https://www.patreon.com/posts/smooth-operator-82282336