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“What sort of animal am I?”

“A Tasmanian devil, duh. Why do you ask?”

“And what sort of animal was that woman in the store?”

“A…..Tasmanian devil?”

“Wrong. She was a quoll. A spotted quoll.”

”What the pup is a quoll???”

”A carnivorous marsupial, not unlike a numbat.”

“.....Are you making up words?”

“You’re an idiot. Even if either of us were interested, people need more to bond over than being the same species- and you didn’t even get that right, mate.”

“But-….But she was tiny and black! Just like you!”

“Tch. Racist.”

What??? How was that racist?? I just- I just didn’t have my glasses on, that’s all!! I didn’t, um- …….ah, cripes, please don’t tell Skye.”

“Oh I’m definitely telling Skye.”




"Hi, I'm Sunny and this is Jackas-" "NO".


I love Grandpa Gravel. Even the cereal is calling Bruce an old man 🤣 Also, I love Stella. I had thought of her and Leah, but also what about her and Victoria? Something about it crossed my mind and I thought it might be interesting