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i know you already know by this time, but i was away for almost 6 months, i don't want to do this more big than it should be.
my girlfriend passed away the last christmas, the depression took her away from me and i couldn't be with her in those moments. the english is not my first lenguage and even in my own(spanish) i can't find the words to descrive what i felt this past months, is like a dream, the 2020 hit me harder than i expected, then this virus came and the lockdown didn't made it easier.
i couldnt draw anything, that flame inside me just blown out, i didn´t wanted to do anything just play a lot of videogames to escape from the reality, it was until i searched for help that i could get away from that. and.. after a long time, i'm ready to keep going, for all the people who commissioned me something i refound your payment, PLEASE IF THERE IS SOMEONE WHO I'M FORGETTING LET ME KNOW 



We’re all here for you <3

Uncle Flaco

So sorry dude, hope things'll be easier on ya 👋


Todo bien? Te apoyo en todo ❤️


I was worried when you disappeared. Sorry so much happened


My DMs are open if you need 'em, buddy.


Cuidate amigo, no te preocupes tanto.

Tomás Elías Abraham

Tranquilo Zor, te apoyamos completamente y entendemos antes que un artista eres un ser humano y tienes tus propios problemas y necesidades. Te sigo desde hace mucho en Twitter pero recién hoy me pude suscribir a tu patreon y leí esto y en serio te deseo lo mejor, suerte.