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Could covid travel restrictions + our desire to be careful stop us from shooting with Takeo? YES. 

Could that stop the TCU (Takeo Cinematic Universe)? NO. 

We did what any pandemic-cooped-up people would do—drew the entire episode (or, rather, worked with the amazingly talented folks at Secret Sauce Studio who animated.)

Featuring Markiplier as the villainous Yaro executing A Heist(!) and Natalie Tran (communitychannel) as Heidi, the cow ninjette.

(audio files incoming)


Cow Attack - The Yodel of Righteousness

High in the peaceful Alps, yodelmeister Takeo Ischi and his beloved friend Heidi encounter a band of fearsome foes. Stream the track everywhere ➡️ https://soulspazm.ffm.to/cowattack Takeo Ischi as himself - https://youtube.com/RubinRecordsTV @Markiplier as Yaro - https://youtube.com/markiplier Natalie Tran of @communitychannel as Heidi the Cow - https://youtube.com/communitychannel Animated by Secret Sauce Studio - http://secretsauce.studio/ Written, Directed, & Edited by The Gregory Brothers Song Written & Composed by The Gregory Brothers Produced with Aaron Beaumont Mastered by Dan Millice On Spotify or wherever you listen to music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySxyPMZkrwU G Bros / Schmo merch - https://store.dftba.com/collections/the-gregory-brothers Animation Director LD Walker Lead Animator Nas Pasha Animators Michael Burnard Richard Go Kenji Iwata Kam Kalambay Alexandra Krechman Saiya Lin Delondhyl Mcinturff Nour Masalkhi Andi Nguyen James Nguyen Ryan Plaisance Bryan Salter FX Animation Alem Pilav LD Walker Background Artists Kyle Ostens Dale Watson Storyboard Nas Pasha LD Walker Colorscript Mike Chung LD Walker Cleanup & Color David Kuettel Jay Li Saiya Lin Lissi Leuterio Jena Denney Composite LD Walker Japanese translation - Hickory G.K Musicians Various Instruments - The Gregory Brothers Additional Vocals - The Gregory Brothers Various instruments - Aaron Beaumont Violin - Maria Im Cello - Alexandra Jones Additional Bgawks - various Gregory Brothers #ChickenAttack #TakeoCinematicUniverse #SchmoCinematicUniverse


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