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Hello dear supporters!

I bring you new testing images from the Halloween Special!

Finally I am up to the feet scenes : ) I hope to have an animation test ready for tomorrow and then begin rendering 1-2 days after that!

"Your mouth is full and your nose is covered, there is no escape!" 💜

Check out the images here!
Website Link

How to download: Go to website link, confirm 18+ then log into patreon and refresh to see mega link!
Video tutorial

Have a nice day! 💜




Seems like a pretty good halloween to me

A pretty average man

Beautiful ! Can We Hope a nylon version or is it too much work ? You’re the best !

mirko basso

i want widowmaker an mercy video comes out i think is fireee


Right now I am focusing on barefoot. If I get it finished I could do nylons too! But it might release a little later

E sexta feira yeee

Look into Sable Ward a caracter from DBD that would definitely suit your type of content 👌