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Come and check out The Office 9x20 - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XXKHBJ3cRICOe1cXhMkenH5r-6B6pTXH/view?usp=drive_link



Fay K

I love this episode HOWEVER I think that I loved it even more after reading how Leslie David Baker (Stanley) said it was his favorite episode of the entire show. He did a lot of stunts himself (from what I've read) but some they HAD to use a dummy for legal purposes (I think the sliding down the stairs) Stanley has had some great episodes on the show but the passion Baker uses with this episode shows how much fun it was for him to film. I also recently saw a video where he had someone do one of those match games to see what kind of Stanley he was, he rejected grumpy Stanley and said that he wanted Florida Stanley but it ended up matching him four or five times to Pretzel Day Stanley It also makes you think about how much the film crew lets slide (no pun intended) As far as Clark, I really love him. I think I enjoy his character (like Nelly) each rewatch for the show. Dwight has had some amazing storylines when he's had interactions with Pam and Jim, but by far I've loved him the most when he's been matched with Clark (like this episode for example) or Nelly (favorite being when he didn't want to do a charity project so picked the Taliban and she told him to chop off her arm) There are a total of four episodes left but two of those are two-parters so depending on how you guys choose to react it's either four or six