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Corina makes her way to the rendezvous...




She looks so yummy in her bare feet 😘🦶🏼


I like Corina's character... I'm instinctively on her side! I don't know why I feel this way... logically there's no reason...


A bit wierd pose…. When walking you move arms and legs opposite. Left leg forward, right arm forward and vice versa. Corina has both left ligaments forward.. try it sometime and you see you re stumbeling…😜


You are probably right, I used a generic 'walk' pose and then adjusted the arm to stop clothing clipping... oh well, it is just a transitional image anyway :D


Should have put her in a monokini ;-) maybe. She won t be wearing clothes for long i guess Btw If you are annoyed by my comments, just say so, i ll dim it 😜


At the moment, she is still wedded to her old life to a large degree. She's not yet at the point where she can flaunt herself with her husband around. But, perhaps, in the future...


Looking forward to it !! I have the feeling its one of your favourites so it will allways be great to see where it goes