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The final charges are laid out in full. Ginny doesn't have a prayer... and neither does Mrs Whitehole!




Have you been reading the Black Pine Diaries?


No, I've not heard of that, will look it up right now! :) (Maybe if it is related then Thickwil has!)


You’ll find it over at Dark Wanderer.


Oh, I see, it is a writer called that. I'm just looking at his/her profile now.


I had a quick glance at some of them, seems pretty hot. I'm not entirely sold on too much of the 'extermination' angle and all that stuff, it can get a bit extreme - but generally speaking, the ideas seem cool. Not enough gangbangs though (from what I've seen)! Do you have a particular favourite or favourites?


The stories really don’t focus on the whole extermination thing, it focuses on a movement based on black supremacy, seducing willing white women using privilege, racism and social justice to lure them from their white partners and then keeps them using sexual superiority. I think the best example is the Mating Rites series. I like the idea of a larger underground movement. In the same way you, Stormbringer and Thick do, but It is more central to the overall plot, in that the women become partners in trying to create black supremacy over their weak white male partners. Unfortunately, I think the author may have stopped writing the series, so never going to know how the whole thing turns out, but it wasn’t looking good for whitey!


Not in any of the stories I read!


Thanks i found few stories i like on dark wanderer, if you got any other good websites or authors. i would love to have a link, i am really into stories about black supremacy. but saying that i don't go for ones with m/m. i like it when it is white women or teen been enslave.