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Well, as you may or may not know, I'm going back to the drawing board with the game. It was a good learning experience doing the aborted effort, but I want the next one to be full of meaningful choices and all that good stuff.

Plus cocks, cunts and so on. Obviously.

Anyway, I thought maybe we'd get some interaction going by having you guys choose some plot-y things. First of all, the age of the main character. It'll be a girl because girls rock, but how old?



Or do you have some better ideas than the choices I've put up there? Please tell me what they are! :)


Older, happily married mom with college age daughters, who are into interracial polyamorous relationships?


That could work with the 30s one too if we make her have her kid when she was 18 then when she is 36 the kid has just turned 18... or maybe she was a teen mother who never got to 'enjoy' herself because she was always looking after her twin daughters.....


I love the places your mind goes!

Tex Beethoven

I don't know why you're asking us, cos you already come up with the best ideas. I like what you just described.