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I'm floundering under the weight of flu or some other crap like that... but I'll share the growing map of what I've been doing. At the beginning, you'll make a few minor choices (designed so I can get used to how callbacks to previous choices work).

Incidentally, would you guys prefer a shorter game where you can replay different paths to do various things (think 'The Yahwg') or something just longer where you play everything?




The longer the better, once the game is over, the chance you replay decrease, because of repeating content. My advice is to make some kind of dlc like in commercial games and to include an different path with the new content. So the game will be more interesting to play again and you can keep the project running


My reason for asking is because the sex games i've tried out have all basically ground to a halt because of the wait between versions... the plan currently is to do a long game... but maybe shorter ones would help me stand out from the crowd?


I would suggest shorter games until you get used to the program and then go for something ambitious.