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It seems like the last thing Britney will be using her office for today is work...




Oh hell yeah


Did you change lakyta skintone it looks lighter.


I think it is just the lighting in the scene, it was quite dark so I put a few extra lights in and it might have made a difference... but then I'm looking back and wondering if something has changed... I'm pretty certain I merged her in from a previous scene... so I'm now not sure...


Next time she is in a shot, I'll make sure she is darker skinned like she was before


I figured out what it was - I'd merged a slightly earlier version of her model into the scene, not realising/remembering I'd altered two things from that model. There might be one or two images where she is lighter because I've already done them, but other than that... she'll be back to normal.


She's only incorrectly... er, shaded in full (i..e all of her is in shot) in 1 image, the other one is just her foot. So it is okay