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At last...



Sven Sture

Looking forward to this one. 👍

Tex Beethoven

For anyone who hasn't read the text version of this wild tale by Alison, you're in for a real treat! Calling the crazy experiences of the protagonist 'adventures' is a real understatement.


I shall be using your edited version of the text as the basis for the story, Tex :)


The full 20 chapters + prologue tale is about 110,000 words or so, I believe.


Where is the text version?


The unedited/unproofed version is on the Dark Wanderer site, I believe. It is also on the John Persons story section - someone's probably ripped it off and posted it on a stories megasite too.

Mark K

have you considered smashwords? easier to publish there than amazon. you can convert the text to any format you want using calibre https://calibre-ebook.com/download_windows64


Yeah, I might just do that. I've thought about Amazon, but I wonder if things would go south if the... content of the story would see problems created.

Mark K

Having read the unedited version, yeah, there are aspects to the story that would likely run afoul of amazon's "standards". smashwords doesn't care.