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First, the Rinko set is 100% coming out later today for Tier 2 :)

I was thinking it over and I was thinking of maybe doing a two new tiers instead of one new one.

Nothing is set in stone but I want to plan everything before I do any big changes.


Tier 4 (used to be Tier 3)

  • Requests for 10 images (maybe more) once per month

  • Would limit to about 30 patrons

  • Would be $15-$18

Tier 3 (new)

  • Requests 2-3 images once per month

    • Image number depends on how many people join

  • Would have a unlimited slots

    • This would be doable for me because if I had 40 patrons it would be 80-120 images where before 40 patrons for 12 images would be 480 images

  • Would be $10


Then Suggestion post priorities would be from Highest to lowest priority

  • Tier 2 > Tier 3 > Tier 4 since Tier 2 doesn't have any requests.


I think I could manage all of this without burnout.

Worst comes to worst, I would temporarily close requests on months where I need a break (this would be notified way in advance)



Please let me know your thoughts :)



sounds good , count me for t4


Sounds fine to me. Definitely a Tier 4 sub from me.

길동 홍

Can you see the image of Tier 2= Tier 3.4?

MST negates

Sounds like a plan to me I'll be taking a t4 spot

I want to join Tier 4!

길동 홍

I hope everyone in Tier 2 can see the works recommended in Tier 3.4.


Will level three and four have exclusive content?


Potentially visual novel and (lightly) animated pieces but for the moment, requests is the only exclusive content


Sounds like a fantastic idea, sign me up


No estoy de acuerdo, solo veo factible el nivel4, el nivel 3 lo veo sobrando, mi opinión.