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Claire’s meeting with the man about stage lighting had ended in time for her to beat Gioni back to the condo. She went to the kitchen and put together a little sandwich and salad. Just as she sat down to eat, Gioni came in.

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“What a day!” Gioni walked to the breakfast bar where Claire was sitting.

“A good one, though. Do you want me to share?”

Gioni shook her head. “I grabbed some Chikie Fillie drive-through… Tia got things rolling fast!”

“She’s got a head for processes. I knew she’d get things moving.” Claire took a bite of her sandwich.

“I guess James and Tia are still out?”

Claire nodded. “I’ve not checked in James’s room… but the door is open and I don’t hear anything… Tia’s too… So… I guess they are having a slow dinner.”

Gioni took off her shoes and sat down beside Claire. “I’m thinking ‘hot tub.’ Wanna join me? It would be awful to be in a place like this and not take advantage of the amenities, right?”

Claire’s eyes opened wide. “Hot tub… sounds amazing…”

They sat at the breakfast bar until Claire was done eating, then they went to their rooms, undressed, and went out to the hot tub—each of the three bedrooms had doors that exited to a deck and patio, where the hot tub sat offering a view of the ocean and the city in the distance. They got into the hot water and turned on the jets.

“My legs need this,” Claire said as they settled in.

“I’m not used to high heels,” Gioni replied. “Heck… most of the time when I’m doing copy edit work… remotely, of course… I don’t even put on pants!”

“That actually sounds very appealing… just be comfy and get the job done!”

They sat in the water quietly for a minute or so, then Claire spoke up again. “James is really amazing, if you ask me.”

“Yeah, he is,” Gioni replied.

“Why did you stop dating him?”

Gioni turned and shook her head. “It wasn’t really dating. Very much just-people doing something together.”

“But you went out… and…”

Gioni seemed to become very thoughtful. “Well, I got the distinct vibe that he was not relationship-ready, if that’s a thing.”

Claire laughed. “Well, it is now! I know exactly what you mean.”

Gioni pulled water up from the hot tub and splashed it on her face and neck. “I don’t know what’s behind it, but he doesn’t seem to be looking for anything romantic. Just having good fun, you know… And I don’t mean naughty fun… just talking and dancing and eating out… We had a picnic… went to the beach… You know…

Claire nodded. “Yeah, I know what you mean… Are you disappointed?”

Gioni shrugged and shook her head. “Not really… Well… to be honest, not at all… I… didn’t feel… the chemistry, if you know what I mean. It was fun and I’d go out dancing or on a picnic again, any time… Just…”

Claire was nodding her understanding and she finished the thought. “…no sparks… no tingles…”

Gioni nodded and looked off toward the ocean’s horizon, then after a moment, she pointed. “Look… is that a cruise ship?”

Claire looked and they discussed the possibilities. It was a large ship with some lights; that they agreed upon. They never decided for sure if it was a cruise ship, a cargo ship, or some military ship.

“But…” Claire said, wrapping up the discussion, “…it’s big!”

They sat in the hot tub a little while longer, then decided they had enough. Standing up out of the hot water, the cooler—though far from cool—night air felt great on Claire’s body. She led Gioni back toward the door to their room, then paused.

“So, no regrets for not dating James?”

Gioni looked down, then turned to face Claire. “Sort of one… but not directly related… coincidental, really.”

“What do you mean?”

“So…” Gioni paused and rolled her eyes. “Let’s say James isn’t the one… But, doesn’t that logically beg the fact that there is a ‘the one’ out there? I’ve not thought about having a special relationship with anyone for a long time. Having fun with James…”

Claire smiled. “Got you thinking…”

Gioni nodded and opened the door to the room. She led Claire inside then they both sat on the bed.

Gioni took a deep breath. “And if there is a ‘the one’ out there for me, how do I find him? Where do I look?”

“Girl,” Claire replied, “that’s a question every single man and woman in the world is asking! Trust me!”

{{ Fin }}}

  • Throughout the "Running With The King!" storyline the part of James King is depicted by the Instagramer king_james_ai. James King's creator has contributed plot ideas to this storyline.

  • Whereas this storyline is fictional and includes NSFW content, any agencies or teams mentioned in this story are also fictional, though they might remind readers of real organizations.

  • Please remember that Gioni Naalk is an AI model, a character in Ailana Geven Imagines stories.

  • Please remember that Claire Turner is an AI model, a character in Ailana Geven Imagines stories.


Gioni and Claire sit in the condo's hot tub chatting.
Gioni and Claire stand on the patio talking quietly.
Gioni and Claire sit on a bed talking.