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WOD 1:


20 each arm sledge hammer 

5 heavy atlas, sandbag, heavy object pick up 

20 each leg single arm heavy kettlebell front hold 


8-10 eccentric hamstring curls 

5 each leg pistol squat 

50m~ heavy sandbag front carry 


100m row at sub 140-150 pace 

20 bodyweight squats 

20 ball slams 

WOD 2:

2 mile easy run - moderate pace

50 push ups 

50 bodyweight squats 

50 side lunges (each leg)

- rest 2 minute - 

600m run - rest 1 minute 

400m run - rest 1 minute 

200m run - rest 1 minute 


20 supermans 

20 toe touches 

20 v- ups 

20 bicycle crunches 

WOD 3:


10 bent over rows- work to the last two sets being heavy for 2-3 reps

10/10 single arm kettlebell row  -slow pace 


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pullups w/ kettlebell press, clean, and squat one rep between (so choose a heavy kettlebell)


50 bicep cable curls - 5 slow, 5 fast 

50 tricep pull downs - 5 slow 5 fast 


20 dumbbell lateral raises 

20 dumbbell front rasies 

30 second dumbbell isometric hold 

20 around the world's 

WOD 4:

2 minute easy run 

1 minute hard run 

1 minute easy run 

2 minute hard run 


20 back box squats - moderate weight, no need to increase lots of volume 

30 second lunge hold w/dumbbells - single leg 


10/10 curtsy squats w/kettlebell front hold 

5 step side shuffle w/resistance band 

20 jump squats 


2 minute squats 

2 minute lunges 

2 minute pushups 


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