June Workouts 5-7 (Patreon)
WOD 5:
500m row machine w/u
8 pull ups
12 barbell hang cleans
40 Russian twists
15 lat pull downs - wide -15th rep hold for 7 seconds+
15 narrow grip - chin ups - 15th rep hold for 7 seconds+
2-3 warm up sets on bent over rows
8 heavy bent over barbell rows
20 bicep resistance band curls -fast
WOD 6:
as many as you can, 1 minute rest between each
2 minute walking lunges
2 minute push ups
2 minute bodyweight squats
2 minute sit ups
2 minute pull ups
20 wide stance goblin squats w/kettlebell
20 alternating jump squats
10/10 single arm kettlebell shoulder press
20 tricep bench dips
WOD 7:
5 min run
30 burpees
20 upright rows ez bar curl
20 front raises dumbbell
20 around the world (10 each direction)
15 rear delt flyes
15 lateral raises
-- after four rounds:
three weight drop set on both exercises
100 jump rope
20 pushups
isometric dumbbell shoulder hold and then press
hold ten seconds at the top, ten seconds in the middle, and then ten seconds at the bottom of the rep. (30seconds in total of hold) rep out until unable to. recommend light-med weight.
20 front plate pushes
20 dumbbell running arms