tbh you arent really all that honest (Patreon)
I want to babble
I want to rant
I want to tell you how it is
I live with this pain
I've always been looked at for being so strong
so courageous
but I was fighting for my life
all along
I don't know what started this ramble but I fell off of it
I think it's just deep down I still have so much more pain
chase dogs for 10 minutes non stop
squat that heavy bag of whatever that is
then you go take a bite of that cookie later that day
and then you eat two of them not just a bite
you run around
you do what you do
its because for so long
you've done this
but for the first time
for as long as you can remember
you finally get it
you get to have that
you are you
and no one else has it
not even ed
so you want to always see what im doing
how do you get your body like this
what do you do for a workout
I live she stammered
I do not know why it challenges me to record what I do
I just do it
I feel it as I go
what needs work
how do I challenge this side of me today
and I call myself out on when I slack off
I stay dedicated to a body
that can move
I remember
the most vibrant pain I have isn't even that
its the emotional stuff.
for another