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And this comic, but in the dream it looked way more random - so I drew both versions lmao

The normal one represents the idea I had in the dream, and the sketch one is the one I actually saw in the dream xDD which one do you like more? 




Now I gotta ask, do you dream these as drawings or in live action?


she’s soooo pretty omg


Live action this time, but I knew it's a drawing. It's hard to explain honestly xD Sometimes I see actual art floating in front of me, sometimes it's something happening in front of my eyes, like a movie. Sometimes it's 1st person, sometimes it's 3rd person

Bitchboy McGee

Sketch version looks like the top splashed the bottom one. I like the normal version for the characterization.


She needs to stop playin and drop her fitness routine


Love anything with Heather. 👍