Pticenoga and Vaughn origin story - 1 (Patreon)
This series is an art experiment of mine: I wanted to make a mix of a comic and cartoon as a middle ground between a general story and animation (idk how to explain better).
I also saw the trailer for the Borderlands movie and it was... the same vibe as the BL3 that I can't stand. But it gave me an inspiration to draw my own Borderlands story, the AU about Hedwig/Yadwiga/Pticenoga and Vaughn, specifically how they met.
I also wanted to give my vision of Vaughn as a character, who he was before and what he had to endure, because originally he was some sort of a cowardly лох (like a "loser"), and he'd never match with Pticenoga if he stayed this way. As much as she likes nerds, they gotta have some backbone and ardor in them. He has both, and, while his looks can be deceiving, he was able to demonstrate it.
Plus I like stories about characters overcoming their fears and weaknesses, and both of them had to do it - in their own way.
So here's the start of it. We'll see how far it's gonna go