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Hooray! Maybe? Tamarack's parents will be seen in other Steps besides the early teenage years.




i’m feeling hopeful!! (a little nervous too but ya know)


Yippee... ;-;


Yippee. Please come see your daughter more. 🥹


Will her natural hair sparkles return, freed from dyes? Will she be more competent as a parent this time around? We must stay tuned to find out


Looks like a Karen...... hopefully won't be one lol I'm excited to see where this goes into meeting her haha


I will try to be nice. For my girlfriend. That doesnt mean i will not call you out if you try anything

Anime Yay

I dont like tamarack, but lady, if you knew you didn't want her, or to take care of her, leave her with the grandparents and just don't show your face again. Stop giving her hope by doing nothing. Leave the girl alone 😐


Im super curious how stuff will play out between tam and her parents throughout steps 2 and 3. Im hoping all goes well and people can see eye to eye but *man* am i like 95% positive tam's parents will make me *seethe* when we meet them

Anna Bia

Ooooh i hope she stops dying her hair Get more free of the rules she created for herself

Sai Ridhe

so excited to interact with tamarack's parents


Just an fyi: Karens mean racist white women and shouldn't be used to mean a woman you personally don't like. All for hating on crappy parents but the game devs wouldn't include a racist character in the game.


I was mostly referring to the hair style lol. I wasn't trying to mean anything rude by it but that. I wasn't really trying to refer to the personality bc we haven't really gotten the full personality yet, just the look in general. I was also just referring to the entitled part.


At least that means they are showing up


I am 100% confident my MC will never call either of Tam's parents Doctor, just on principle.

Alyn Revilo

They're stepping up?! I wonder if her hair will be undyed this Step but I look forward to whatever we see!

Emma's dreams

You don’t like Tamarack?🥲 May I know why, just out of curiosity? Because at first I didn't think I will love her that much, but now she's like my spiritual sister! She is my phone wallpaper~🥰 (Well, it's not because I like her that she’s perfect, so I can guess why...😅 but if you have time to answer it could be interesting!^^)

Anime Yay

Sure no problem. So, for me, I don't like people all in my face. Hated ot when I was a kid, still hate it now, I feel like she would pop my personal bubble and invade myself, and I don't like that at all. I think she realizes this, and changes herself in step 2. But the change is so drastically, that it's clearly forced. And it feels odd. The best way I can describe it is: have you ever met someone who was trying to force themselves into a popular patch but was too awkward and low self-esteemed to even be noticed? That's how it feels with her. And I get it we are going to grow up with her, and not everyone knows themselves yet, but to me, I just, don't want to be around during those awkward times. Atleast with qiu, he's confident and nice. Tamarack to Me is biting, and I just don't like her. So I know already I won't be romancing her. Also, the tea party thing passed me off. And her "running away" from qui also pissed me off. Feel free to tell me what you think :o

Emma's dreams

Hello again! So I totally understand, that was what I thought could be the reason why you don't like her. It’s completely logical and we can say that you’re a bit like Pran! That’s nice~^^ and I understand for the awkward moment ... But as a sister, I'm afraid i will have to face it with her! 😅😭 It was super interesting, thank you for taking the time to answer me ~ ^^ and If you come by again, I was wondering if you would just be “neighbors” with her or if you would still try to be “friends”?🤔

Anime Yay

NP so, of course multiple play throughs. Planning on being her friend atleast, doubt I'd go beyond that. Idk, maybe when she reaches stage 3 my mind will change?🤔 HOWEVER!!! >:3 I will do ATLEAST 2 playthroughs where I string her along,( I guess crush would be the better word) because I wanna see if they actually retain information of it. Like..if your crushing/friends with tamarack and always call her Tammy, then suddenly just dont. Will she make note of that? Will she be oblivious or? Cause the jealous/envious options make me feel so...good? In the sense that it feels real, that it makes you think. Like? Imagine stage 3 confident tamarack, who still has a crush on you, but is envious of you. Can she still be considered confident if she envious you so much? Vice versa with qui? I don't know~ will I try it over and over again till I find out? YES!! (and I realise what I say may not be to your taste, but please feel free to reply as you normally would)

Emma's dreams

Don’t worry, I really like seeing different points of view regarding the game, and yours is really interesting! For the “envious of” and the “jealous over” meters, I also find that the possibilities are endless! XD Personally, in my game play, Tammy will be my best friend/family and Qiu the crush since childhood, so in step 2, I planned to have them jealous of each other, but when I saw Tammy's sad face when my MC was closer to Qiu, I was heartbroken... T_T So I'm still in a conflict of how to use the options without Tammy being sad! But I admit it would be interesting to see Stage 3 LIs being “envious of” our MC when they are supposed to be more confident~🤔 Can’t wait to see how this will be represented!