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A joke is born 😌

[In-game it's a choice, but for the sake of making this an easier to read set of screenshot the choice line and follow-up line are in a single textbox.]




Thats so cute !! especially funny for me because my name actually is Romeo

rory 𖤐

omg i love this sm, i’m so excited for magic

Kara Onasi

Awwwwww so cute! My Qiu-liet! <3

rory 𖤐

we’re romeo and juliet🙌🙌

rory 𖤐

i remember qiu-liet from step 2 choices!! it’s an inside joke now


I love this inside joke 🥰


my comment on the magic beta was literally about how this particular moment reminds me of the step two preview the most out of all of them so far, and now seeing this is exactly where the qiu-liet line comes from is a little mind blowing. i never considered the nickname would have a specific origin. it's like figuring out a puzzle in reverse. i always adored the little callbacks your games have and seeing one is always a pleasant surprise no matter what it is. makes me go :)


.. the Story of Romeo and Juliet is NOT a love story... People need to stop romanticizing it 🤣🤣 Juliet was 13.. they married a day of knowing each other.. they died 4 days of knowing each other and she was asleep for 2 of them


Qiu always has something to say lol 🙄 unless it's Tamarack, she's probably the only person who gets him stumped on what to say


That's true but I don't think people are romanticizing it. It's entirely a joke in the game and players think it's cute because of how it is used in the game's context, not because they really love the relationship between Romeo and Juliet as a romance for real.


Qiu-liet, Qiu-liet, let down your hair!


I did enjoy the step two preview choice so I am happy to see its origin story, I must make it happen now lol

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

I'm in love with this idea/joke between me/MC and Qiu, it's beautiful


The married so young because the life expectancy back then was so short.


Arranged marriage yes.. to keep family lines going.. not what they did. 🤣


Yep, Qiu-liet was the actual pet nickname I gave Qiu in the Stage 2 Preview. So it's the gift that keeps on giving for that MC and Qiu. 😁


Awww ☺️


Ohhh this makes the step 2 start even funnier now!

Konoi Kurozora

I love how people are talking about something from the Step 2 preview that is apparently related to this, and I have no idea what's that about heh. I'm curious about where is the choice located here, by the way? I'm assuming it's from the very first screenshot, but I'm unsure?



Blackrose _Tired

Omg MY NAME IS ROSE!! We’ll literally be “Ro”-meo and “Qiu”-liet! ✨💕 I love this game so much 🥹


he really went: um actually 🤓☝️


It's the first line of the first screenshot. You don't have to say Qiu is like Qiu-liet.


so cute~~~~~~~

Alyn Revilo

Qiu, accept MC's rizz attempt X'D. Tamarack wouldn't do this to me. The OL humor strikes once again and I love it since it gives extra context to the "Qiu-let" joke in the Step 2 preview


Every snippet for these moments make me more and more hyped!

Kia Kaneda

Ahhhh it continues! I love how it’s a theme now in your Our Life series. First Cove as Romeo and now Qiu as Juliette. Warms my heart 💕


having this running joke in my game is a visceral need for me at this point.


This scene had my whole heart!! 😭💙