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Today's post is announcing the Sensitivity & Authenticity readers that were hired to work on Our Life: Now & Forever. Each of them prepared a brief bio-

Sarah Clark:

Sarah Clark is a mad crip genderqueer and two-spirit NDN editor. You can find them at sarah-clark.carrd.co.



Hiii, I'm Rose! I love analyzing my favorite media and thinking about OL: N&F when I'm not busy drawing, playing videogames and making merch!  I'm super excited to work on the game and see everyone's reactions to it!

Social media handle: @peachiseas







It's gonna be so great to have feedback from some very talented people.

And thank you to everyone who applied for this position! It was not easy to narrow it down only to three.


Astro Is Alive

Congrats to all the people who got chosen!

Amber Castillo

Wow! Amazing! Welcome Sensitivity Readers! 🩷🩷🩷




Congrats to the chosen peeps! You're gonna do great! I'm super grateful to even have had the chance to apply.


WOHOOO Proud of y’all!!!

Sai Ridhe

Hell yeah!! Welcome and congrats!!

Eni ÔwÔ?

Welcome and congrats to them!! We’re so excited to have you 🫶


Congratulations to them !!!

Alyn Revilo

\^o^/ Congratulations!

My Name's E

question? why is the q slur being used? might just be me, but everyone I know thinks it's on the same level as r*tarded? sorry I'm just a bit confused ig. *edited bc I didn't know the hard r was the nword*

Pineapple Greyhound

I'm sorry, Sarah Clark is a mad...crip? What does that mean?


It means neurodivergent and disabled. Like with queer, it's up to the person describing themselves to decide if they want to reclaim words used for negative purposes or not. I'm not saying to go call strangers that, but I would never tell someone on the team that they're not allowed to write those words about themselves if they're using it to be strong and confident about who they are.


congrats to the people that were picked!


CONGRATS ❤ So happy for the readers that got picked!


Love everything about this, congratulations and thank you for the invaluable work you do!

My Name's E

Glitchy Pix, I just was asking a question on why a word I've only seen used as a slur be used, i'm sorry my not knowing that people find slurs comfortable to use nowadays is rude.


i dont mean to offend you but no one is going to stop identifying as queer because some rando on patreon thinks its a slur

My Name's E

my guy, I was just asking why a word that I thought was a slur was being used?

Glitchy Pix (Shine)

I'm sorry but you can't set personal boundaries based on someone else's identity labels nor on how a community at large regards itself. If you don't want to use the term or be referred to by it then, genuinely, that is full ok! But you have to understand that saying "the community shouldn't describe themselves as this!" isn't a personal boundary


my guy, people explained it to you and then you doubled down reactionary style and you're now tryin g to set boundaries on how OTHER PEOPLE identify 😭 girl bye

My Name's E

I saw a singular person call it that word, I've only ever seen it be call the lgbt community, I was drawing a line saying "hey mabye don't call every gay person q*eer", but I'm not very social and live under a rock as a result, so I'm sorry if my wording is bad.


thanks for the love everyone!!!

My Name's E

saf, genuinly where did I try and set boundaries on other people? I said "hey this word is a slur, but if it's in the process of being reclaimed then yay", and "doubling down reactionary style"? I guess I'm sorry for not knowing and asking a question wanting to know??


general rule of thumb on slurs that can be reclaimed: if you can say them in full, than it can be reclaimed by those communities. also another rule of thumb, please do not compare any slur to the n word, especially the one with the hard r.

My Name's E

where did I compare the q slur to the nword??? i compared it to the hard r because I've seen neurodivergent people use it for themselves before, and I'm diagnosed autistic and have called myself r*tarded before, genuine question, why is the qslur fine to say nowadays but the hard r isnt?


If you didn't know than you didn't know, My Name's E. But I promise that it's not wrong to say the "queer community". I call the OL series queer-friendly. If you'd like more information on this I will have to ask you DM me or for you to search the history of the reclamation of "queer". The comment section isn't an ideal place for this. *Edited*


I wouldn't really say that it's "in the process" of being reclaimed as people have been using queer for decades! "Queer community" is as old, if not older, than "LGBT community." A famous phrase used to promote acceptance is "We're here, we're queer, get used to it." It's commonly painted on signs at pride parades and such. The official terms for study of the community is "queer studies" and "queer history." Many people prefer it as a term because they find it more encompassing and accepting than being expected to use hard labels like gay or transgender. The idea that queer is only a slur, one on par with the hard-r at that, is actually a very recent development that is in denial of our actual history as a community!


I'm going to try and be respectful towards you and your experiences here as much as possible but I need you to listen to me, a fellow autistic person, when I say the hard R does not mean the r slur. When people say the phrase "hard r" when it comes to slurs, they are talking about the n word with the hard r. That's what that means; it means the n word with the hard r and that's what people are going to interpret as. You have been using it incorrectly, so now I will say this. Stop using the phrase "hard r" when your referencing the r slur.


Queer is an identity and the R slur isnt. you can look up more on it online since educating you in a comment section is hard. and so you know the "hard R" refers to the nword. not the r slur.


super happy for all the people who got the job and i'm eager to see how they help make ol2 the best game it can be

My Name's E

I didn't mean to start all of ..this, I'm just suprised my not knowing sparked an argument where I'm the bad guy, welp I learned my lesson to keep living under a rock and not ask questions ig. I've been told before that my apologies aren't beliveable, but I'm genuinely sorry to have ruined the vibe, if that's bad phrasing I'm sorry for that too, just sorry to have started whatever this was.


Your apologies don't sound believable because you guilt trip people. You asked questions and we answered them, do not act as if we have done something hateful to you. I think you should just countinue on educating yourself.

Glitchy Pix (Shine)

Sincerely very happy for everyone who got the position!

My Name's E

me being exasperated with myself is guilt tripping?? I'm sorry for phrasing it wrong then


If you're sorry please edit the phrasing of your first comment and don't keep living under a rock. I'm sorry to all the other readers/comments that I wasn't able to better respond to this conversation in the first place.

My Name's E

sorry, i'm stupid, do you mean my original comment bc I edited that, or the comment where I say sorry?


I don't think you're responding to me in good faith anymore so I'm not gonna engage further. do not bother responding to me because i won't read it

Pineapple Greyhound

Gotcha, thank you. I googled and it and thought "nah that can't be right". But it was. And I agree, I'm not telling people they can't use that to describe themselves.


congratulations to the people who got the sensitivity reader job(s)! they are gonna do amazing work :)

Amber Jordan

Congratulations to everyone who got the job!

Kiji Marie Anastacio

Congratulations to the three Readers! I’m so excited for them! 😊💜

Dani Morgan

Woo! Congrats! I’m sure you guys will do great!