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Yesterday we released more than one update patch for Our Life. First was to fix errors reported throughout the Derek DLC launch week, then to fix an issue with some saves not being able to work with that update, and then to fix an error that we became aware the same day we were doing the other updates. So, it was a busy day, haha. But everything should be settled now. 

Bug Fixes:

There were issues if you loaded an older save in the middle of Step 2 and did the Derek events. And sometimes Soiree wouldn't count as completed for the Derek DLC even when you did the event, so Derek's version of Step 4 couldn't unlock. Some players couldn't play Soiree, it'd simply gray out when clicked. That was solved. There were also small typos/visual  errors that were fixed up along the way.

Lastly, we've added in a pop-up to let players know if they end up in a situation where their DLCs are current but the base of Our Life is outdated. DLCs can only work properly if the core of the game has all of its new changes/additions as well.

The older DLCs weren't updated in this patch. It focused on the base game and the Derek DLC. If you're on Itch and manually updating files, you can reuse the older DLC files for Steps 1-3 and the Wedding.

Thank you for all the feedback and patience! If we missed anything, just let us know.


Sam Bennett

Hey fyi I keep getting a bug in the Derek DLC where if I choose to get a card for both dads it also has me get a gift for Mr. Suarez. The gift and card combo isn't bad lol but it does flow weirdly during the actual giving scene.