Month End Post: February 2023 Wrap-Up (Patreon)
We've made to the end of the month, everybody. It was awfully busy. I had to take a trip to another state last minute, which I originally thought would be done in March so it hadn't even been mentioned in the monthly plans post. And there were various other non-development matters to deal with, but things still got done. Here's the breakdown-
Monthly Content Summary:
If you recall, there were some big plans for this little month. I wanted to get a sizable head start on Baxter's Step 4 script before finishing off the DLC more gradually going forward. And the goal was to release a huge update to the Baxter beta that had two new Moments and the end of summer expansion scene.
And that did actually happen! The massive beta build was released to testers with all of Step 3 included. On the whole, 65,500 words were programmed. Most of that was finishing Step 3, but we were even able to move on to Step 4 already. Just a little. The Step 4 stuff wasn't at a point to get into beta, haha. Next month, though 👀.
I also managed to get 41,220 words written. It was entirely Baxter Step 4 scenes. That's certainly a decent chunk of the story. There were some struggles, but I think it'll have been worth it. The final couple months or so of development for Baxter's DLC should be quite manageable now.
Besides that, 35,000 words were sent in by the other writers on the team and I edited all of that.
There was plenty of neat art to share during February, too.
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Honestly, I was worried about what the final results were gonna look like this time around. But even with everything keeping me away from development and February being the shortest month of the year, things still came together nicely in the end! It was more stressful than I would've preferred, however. Here's hoping March will be both productive and relaxing.
Thank you for checking out our progress here at GB Patch Games 😌💕
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