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[Beautiful guest piece by __neptu on Twitter]

Aw, what a sight for sore eyes. It's been a while since we've seen our ocean man around here. That's just not right, especially now. This is his time, it's his season. We cannot start summer off without at least a bonus piece of Cove Holden. So, there he is.

You can check out the wrap-up for May HERE! And now let's get into this month's plans-

Monthly Content Plans:

First off, I made those updates to the Patreon tiers that got announced a couple days ago. For the rest of June, it's gonna be a bit of an odd month. We're transitioning our development focus from Our Life: Beginnings & Always to Our Life: Now & Forever. OL1 has been the focus since 2019, so this is a huge shift.

Though, it's not a complete end for Sunset Bird just yet. We've got a bug fixing patch in the works for Baxter's DLC. We're also going to take some time to do final, final touches to truly wrap-up OL1. So, there will be a few Cove related happenings in the background 💚.

I'm also going to be doing some hiring! Specifically, for someone to make content for the GB Patch Tiktok and to help create an official Our Life: Beginnings & Always artbook. If either of those interest you, please keep an eye open for when applications go up.

And, of course, actual game development will be happening! I intend to write the first Our Life: N&F Step 1 Moment this month. I've actually already started it. If things go well, maybe it could even be programmed/released as a beta this month 👀. That might be overly optimistic, though.

Finally, I'm going on vacation! It'll start at the tail end of June, though it's mostly going to be over the first two weeks of July. I promised myself that after every OL1 DLC was finally released I'd go on a real trip, not simply move to a new place. It's going to be the longest I've gone without doing game development since I started doing this several years ago, aha. It's exciting, but I'm also nervous to be away that long.

I won't be easily reachable until mid-July, however if you join our public Discord or are/become a patron and have access to the private Discord, you can contact the mods there for help while I'm gone. I'll make another update about this closer to the event.

Important Links From May:

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And that's where we're at. Even with the launch of Baxter's DLC, we aren't going to be able to settle in to a typical Our Life: Now & Forever development schedule for a least a couple months thanks to other fun stuff. I'll be sure to keep you up-to-date on all our progress. Thank you for checking out the latest GB Patch news 🥰️




Can't wait to see what you make !


i miss my ocean boy soooo much! and i'm really happy and excited for the OL2!!!!!! And yesss, take your time off and enjoy your vacation! you deserve it 💜💜💜💜


enjoy your vacation! rest well and recharge! we all are very thankful for your hard work, love and dedication to the community! ♥♥♥ thank you again! 💚💚💚


I hope you enjoy your well deserved vacation! 💪


good. you deserve a vacation. I hope you have fun and get the rest you need. ;)


Please tell me you heading over to the beach for your vacation. LOL All kidding aside, I do hope you enjoy your vacation and just take the time to chill and relax. Also, thank you and your team all so much for everything you done with OL1. I am really sad to see the game done with since I just can't get enough of our not so little sea baby. This might be the last time we 'll see of Cove but here hopefully he might pop up from time to time. All good things must come to an end sadly but what wait ahead is a new story with new characters to know and fall for. <3


I'm really excited for OL2 to become the new focus!! Also, I hope you have a wonderful vacation! Focus on yourself, unwind, relax, all that good stuff! You've been working so hard and you deserve it! ♡♡♡


yay!! have fun with ur vacation!!


its such a bittersweet moment! i'm sad that OL1 is ending, but i'm so excited to see the direction OL2 goes in!! I hope you enjoy your vacation and much needed time off! thank you for all your hard work and have fun on your time off!! here's to the future of the OL universe!!

Shelby Sexauer

Enjoy your time off! It’s so well deserved.

推しかわいい です

Cove!!?!!?!!!! Cove!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥳🥳🥁🎉🎊🪩🕺💃 I think the vacation is very very important and the refresh is the most important in the creative work, I think. So, please enjoy your vacation! I can wait for releasing OL2 for a long time. Btw, I check a new picture about baby boy again. Oh… that’s 13 years old Cove…….. Thank you giving a new picture… Oh… baby boy is fine today. Oh……..oh…….(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

Sai Aiza

That is all fantastic news! I hope you have a fantastic vacation when you go on it and definitely interested in all the hiring endeavors, too. :)

Emi K

There's already step one progress happening?! Holy cow! I hope you have a wonderful vacation, you deserve the break 😁


There’s a lot of things happening around here these couple of months! Lots of exciting developments that I’m looking forward to. I hope you enjoy your (110% deserved) vacation!


Beginnings & Always artbook?! Can this be digitally version released on Steam DLC?😭😭😭

Cas Angel

I would pay good money to have a physical copy of the artbook 😭 but I'll still get a digital version. Please put it on steam if you can❤️


I'm sorry, I'm almost certainly not gonna do a physical version. But I'm glad you would've wanted it.


I hope you remember when you press v it reads it out to you for a I hope you have installed it I already tried your demo and you have it then and I tried to download the next update but then it was gone I have already pressed the a button and I always have tried to turn it on but it didn't work I have a hard time reading it because the v button helps me and I'm so sad if I cannot listen to this game I'm really Hope you guys can help with this I have no problem the game our life I have all your DC packet I just want to have fun with the new game you are trying on


I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on. Self-Voicing still works when I try the demos. Which game build are you playing specifically?


our Life: Now & Forever

Spark (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 23:36:58 N&F
2023-06-19 21:29:15 N&F



I'm sorry, I mean are you using the Windows, Linux, Mac, or Android and what the build number is.

