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One option in the Moment "Wheels" is to join a race against Qiu and Ren. But if you don't wanna do that, you, Tamarack, and Baxter of all people are gonna have to find a way to entertain yourselves.  It goes as well as you might expect, haha.

Pure Text:

If MC has a scooter:

“As soon as you were thinking the two of them had no clue how to react to this either, Tamarack chuckled.”

tam “We’re a scooter group now.”

bax “Oh, that’s right. I’m the odd one out with my bike.”

“He talked with the disconnected patience of a parent answering their babbling baby, ideally rolling his bike back and forth in place.”

tam “Hey.”

“Tamarack began to speak again more directly, more intentionally, to Baxter.”

tam “You should try one!”

bax “What?”

“Of all of the endless possibilities that could’ve come from this strange get together, the oldest, most “mature” kid here riding Tamarack’s squishy scooter might’ve been one of the least expected.”

“It actually took Baxter himself by surprise. That almost never happened.”

tam “Yes, that’s perfect.”

“Tamarack was already bringing her sticker-plastered purple scooter towards the older boy.”

tam “It’s gonna be fun.”

“Baxter got casual again right away. If being a bit amused at everything could be called “casual”. Still, he faced her literal pushiness calmly.”

bax “Oh, no. That’s alright. What about my bike? I can’t leave it lying around. But thank you for wanting to share.”

“Such a polite way to completely reject her idea. He didn’t even flinch over the appearance of Tamarack’s ride. Qiu had failed that one.”

“You could imagine your [mom] so clearly saying Baxter had a future in Human Relations.”

if likes him:

“It was impressive.”

if not:

“How annoying.”


“Tamarack’s eyes twinkled mischievously. The kind decline had gone right over her head.”

tam “It’s so simple. I’m gonna ride it!”

“Baxter snorted. The very thought of it was a joke to him. And that’s when [Mom] would’ve said she might be getting ahead of herself, and he could use a few more years of practice.”

bax “You will? Have you ever ridden a bike? Without training wheels?”

tam “What’s wrong with training wheels?”

bax “Nothing, nothing, but mine doesn’t have any, if you didn’t notice.”

tam “Well I have. I know how to ride any kind of bike I want.”

“Subtly couldn’t get through to her, but that clear attack on her abilities got Tamarack to be more serious. She folded her arms into a knot around the bar of her scooter.”

tam “I didn’t like doing it, but I could just try again. And then it wouldn’t be laying around- exactly what you wanted.”




Classic Tammy going to war, you go legend 😤

Anna Bia

Poor Baxter, though it will be good for him 🤭 i love them so much!


Omg, I love this snippet! Seeing Tam and Baxter interact and how dynamics shift and change is so exciting! Great scene! 💕✨️


Tamarack "I don't know how you're supposed to ride something like that" Baumann when you suggest she doesn't know how to ride something like that lmao



Caendrian Capel

Sorry, English teacher moment, but I think it’s “idly” not “ideally”


aaa love this duo... so silly


Tamarack's scooter gang!

Kara Onasi

This is so fun. Baxter is such a little sh*t and I love him for it 😅