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Happy Halloween! That's the holiday of this month, right? Haha, well, Tamarack does dress up as Santa during this Moment so it fits. But even if it made no sense, this is the this newest story I've started writing. It won't have a full script until next month, though.

And the reason you're seeing this chapter card before Hide & Seek's, a Moment I've already finished scripting, is because there's no chapter art for that yet, aha. I'm not entirely sure what to use as an icon. It might have to be pretty generic not to give too much away.

Regardless, here's some more interesting info; Trick-or-Treat is not that unrevealed fifth free Moment I mentioned before. It's actually a Step 1 DLC Moment. The Halloween event won't be in the base game. I know I intended to write the free Moments before starting anything from the DLC, but it didn't work out that way because that final free one needed some extra planning time. It remains a mystery until 2024.




It looks so cute!!


I wonder what the boys will choose to wear on Halloween. 😂 I smell Qiu questioning Tamaracks choice of costume already.


This is making me feral, I appreciate this thank you! 😁


I can’t believe we’re already getting into the DLC moments


I see qiu asking so many questions


baxter jail uniform costume when?

Doug DeJulio

I wanna see Tamarack hopped up on too much candy. And if she gets a tummyache, my MC will bring her soup.


Was wondering if you'd do all the free moments first then the DLC but makes sense to do all ten moments per step. Does this mean the DLC moments will release with the full game?


Ohhh! Sounds like trick or treating will be a blast! But god, yeah, what DO you use to signify hide and seek lmao? I guess maybe it COULD be chibi art of Qiu and Tamarack covering their faces or something or a possible hiding place MC has but yeah sounds like a doozy to figure out XD

DragonX4D ;3

I'm fine with you working on any of it. As someone who writes, I know that it's best to work on a part of the story while the idea is still fresh in your mind and more easy to write and plan out.

Dimension traveler

For hide and seek icob maybe pile of leaves?


ohhh i can't wait to see the costumes of everyone else haha

Emi K

Ahhh so excited to see everyone's costumes!


I cant wait

Hannah meaker

aaawww they're gunna be so sweet in their costumes