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A piece I drew for Sailor Moon's upcoming birthday, June 30th.

Our favorite moon princess superheroine gets caught during one of her battles. To her surprise, a red rose arrives at just the right moment!

Comes with a sleepy eyes variant. Enjoy!




Looks amazing! Thanks for sharing another great piece!

Mad Man with a Pen

A fun bondage one there for Sailor Moon :) Love how she's bound and nice pose showing her off there on the ground. Will admit, wish she looked a little more sleepy/weak eyed in the variant, as she doesn't seem as drowsy as she could be. But minor quibble, the pieces turned out great, excellent work SC.

Mad Man with a Pen

Don't beat yourself up too much over it. As I said it's a minor thing, and I just usually always prefer the sleepy/weak eyes. So don't sweat it SC.